Sunday, July 8, 2012

July Newsletter

News and Notes
    Ministry and Nurture asks that you continue to hold our Meeting in the Light as it works to build fellowship and community. You may also want to promote discernment by discussing spoken ministry after meeting, in the library. To participate in a group of elders who help with pastoral care as needed, contact Mark Hepper.
    Right Sharing of World Resources, a Quaker organization that GRFM has supported, has published its second-quarter newsletter.

    July 14: The Situation at Friends School in Detroit is critical, says Kyo Takahashi, clerk of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting. He writes, "Many of the Quaker board members feel that the school must close. We are calling an emergency meeting on Saturday, July 14, at 2:00 p.m. at Red Cedar Monthly Meeting House, 1400 Turner St., Lansing, MI. I urge all Friends interested in the welfare of the school to attend. The continued existence of the school is at stake." Amy Ranger will drive from the Browne Center at Aquinas and has room for 1-2 more passengers. Please contact her with the "Email us" link.
    July 15: Program following worship on the focus and priorities of GRFM.
    July 17: IGE Openhouse 5:00-8:00 p.m. at 1118 Wealthy St. SE Grand Rapids MI.
    August 5: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting, 11:00 -, takes place in Quaker Park, Battle Creek, MI 49017, on the corner of Groveland and Fremont streets. Starting time of worship is 11:00. Potluck follows worship.
    August 5: GRFM members and attenders are formally invited to the wedding of Rick DeZeeuw and Franny Holly, on Sunday, August 5, 2012, at 1:00 p.m. in the Traverse City Senior Center and Beach Park, 801 East Front St., Traverse City, MI. The celebration will begin with a potluck at 1:00 pm., followed at 3:00 p.m. by Meeting for Worship with Attention to Marriage, and afterward more potluck and a beach party. Rick and Franny write, "Because you are part of our circle created by love and friendship, we invite you to share the celebration of the beginning of our life together! Please, no gifts or cards; your presence is your present. Please bring a dish to pass and your beverage, if you can. We will have iced herbal tea, juice punch, and appetizers. No alcohol can be served. There is a small kitchen with 2 refrigerators, a stove/oven, and a dishwasher, and we will have several coolers with ice. We have the building until 6:00 p.m. and then we can be on the beach until dusk." RSVP to Rick at
    August 19: Fremont Friends Worship Group invite all fellow Quakers & Friends for an afternoon of sharing and fun, 1:00 p.m. throughout the afternoon. Activities led by Herbert Lindsay. Waterfront activities include kayaks, canoe, rowboat & paddleboat. Potluck at @ 2:30 p.m. Please bring something to share; lemonade & ice tea provided. At 4:00 p.m. Jana Norlin will share her reflections on the FWCC Meeting in Kenya. In case of rain, we'll meet inside. 8885 W. 32nd St. Fremont, MI. tel: 231-924-5349.

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