Friday, April 16, 2010

Red Cedar Friends Meeting Open House

Announcement and Invitation

In the spirit of peace and joy, Red Cedar Friends Quaker Meeting invite you to celebrate with us the opening of our new meetinghouse on Saturday, May 22, 2010 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The meetinghouse is located at 1400 Turner Street in Lansing, Michigan. Barrier-free spaces are available in the meetinghouse parking lot. The # 14 CATA bus stops nearby.

Out of town guests who need assistance with accommodations, call Nancy at (517) 372-8680.

Information about Red Cedar Friends Meeting is available at

Please call (517) 371-1047 with questions.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April Query & Announcements

Do we center our lives in the awareness of the presence of God so that all things take their rightful place?
Do we keep our lives uncluttered with things and activities and avoid comments beyond our strength and light?
Is the life of the Meeting so ordered that it helps us simplify our personal lives?
Do we order our individual lives so as to nourish our spiritual growth?

The Book Group will meet at 7:00 on April 9th at Dixie Rosendall's to watch a dvd about Ram Doss.

Sewing Circle will meet April 6th at 7:00 at Roberta Rossi's and on April 15th at 7:00 at Fran’s home.