Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Query & Announcements

Do we live the virtue of that life and power which takes away the occasion of all war?
Do we refrain from taking part in war as inconsistent with the spirit of Christ?
What are we doing to remove the causes of war and to bring about the conditions of peace?
Where there are hatred, division and strife, how are we instruments of reconciliation and love?
As we work for peace in the world, are we nourished by peace within ourselves?

Have you checked the priorities for FCNL? Let Mark know what you think.

Hosted dinners: please let Betty know if you are willing to host. The Host/s will prepare the meal. The dates for the dinners will be on Friday and Saturday evenings of the first two weekends in May. A sign-up sheet for guests will be at Meeting on the first Sunday in April.