Saturday, January 21, 2012

January announcements

On the Calendar:
  • There is a planning meeting today, Saturday January 21, 2:00 p.m., at Georgetown United Methodist on Baldwin to look at the spaces available for the Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Midwinter Gathering. Please join us!
  • Jan. 22: Ministry and Nurture committee meets at the Browne Center, 9:00 a.m.
News & Notes:
  • Mark Your Calendar for the Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Mid-winter Gathering GRFMM will host the GPQM Mid-winter Gathering on Feb. 24-25 at the Georgetown United Methodist Church in Jenison. The theme for the gathering will be “Small meetings and the task of re-envisioning—how do we transition into the future?” Guest speakers will include Dr. Philip Beasley, Earlham School of Religion, and Laura Norlin, of the Atlanta MM and formerly of GRFMM. Please note that we’ll need volunteers to host visiting Friends, transport travelers from the airport, work with young people, prepare refreshments, etc. Please let Mike Holaday know if you’re available to help in any capacity.
  • Reminder: the PBS series “God in America” airs on WGVU Channel 35 on Sundays from Jan. 8--Feb. 12, 2012, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. If you’re interested in joining an informal discussion group to discuss this excellent and thought-provoking series, please contact Mike Holaday, who is coordinating activities with the Kaufman Interfaith Institute at GVSU (, or 616-340-5406).
  • Come to dinner at the Monthly Interfaith Dinner and Discussion, Dominican Center at Marywood, from 5:30—7:00 p.m. Participants will dine at round tables with persons of various faith traditions and enjoy a presentation on “The Spiritual Disciplines of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving,” followed by a discussion. The cost is $10 per person; pre-registration is required. Contact the Dominica Center at 616-454-1241 (option 5), or

    • Save your canceled stamps and donate them to Right Sharing of World Resources, a Quaker program that supports grassroots projects for economic development in poor countries. It’s simple. Please go to and click on Donors, Stamps Program for details.

Meeting today!

There is a planning meeting today, 2:00 p.m., at Georgetown United Methodist on Baldwin to look at the spaces available for the Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Midwinter Gathering. Please join us!