Sunday, July 12, 2009

Announcements for July 12th

Announcements for July 12th

Greeters: Mark Post will ask for volunteers to help with childcare during the summer months so that the responsibility doesn't rest with greeters.

Sewing Circle , Thursday, July 16th: Join with other friends at Jenn and Scot's, 491 126th Ave, Shelbyville, (269) 792-9183 at 7:00 for sewing and knitting or just conversation. Car-pooling is possible.

Welcoming in to Membership: This Sunday we will welcome Amy Ranger as a recorded member of Grand Rapids Friends Meeting a Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Greeter info

The greeter may make the decision on whether to meet outdoors or indoors. When setting up for outdoors, please use the metal-bottomed chairs from the dining room & place them on the paved areas only. Others will fill in the circle with lawn chairs & blankets. Please bring out the guest sign-in notebook & info for first-time attenders. Thanks!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July query & 7/5/09 announcements

When problems and conflicts arise, do we make timely endeavors to resolve them in a spirit of love and humility?

How do we use our diversity for the spiritual growth of our Meeting?

Are we prepared to let go of our individual desires and let the Holy Spirit lead us to unity?

July 7: Advancement Committee meets 7:00 at Norlin's.

July 10: Friends Book Group Meeting will be Friday, July 10th, at 7:00 at Marston's. We will discuss the last half of Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg.

July 12: Annual Meeting for Business