Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November Announcements

Special Announcement: If you're a member or attender of the Grand Rapids Friends Meeting and you enjoy being a greeter occasionally, or would like to become a greeter, please email Mike Holaday at The Advancement Committee will create a rotating list of greeters for the next few months. We'll let you know when you'll be needed. Of course if you have a conflict, you'll be able to trade with someone else on the list.

November 22: Interfaith Thanksgiving, 7:00 p.m. at Temple Immanuel.

November 29: International Day of Solidarity with Palestine (google "Olives for Hope" for more info.)

Service Project: We will be doing a project for one of the Homeless Shelters. We need shoeboxes and items such as toothbrushes, washcloths, deodorant, chapstick, small Kleenex packs, lotion, hats, gloves, socks, t-shirts, handkerchiefs, hand warmers, cards & travel games, stamps, books, restaurant gift certificates. Bring items to Meeting on Nov. 28 or Dec. 5.

November 1: We will welcome Laura Arcila Villa and Mark Hepper as members at the potluck following worship.

November 1: “Being Salt and Light: Friends living the Kingdom of God in a broken world.” Kalamazoo Friends Meeting (508 Denner St.) is hosting this event for Friends World Committee for Consultation on Monday evening, 11/1/2010. Anne Bennett of Britain Yearly Meeting will be speaking on a theme of living our faith in times of brokenness. The event starts at 6:30 pm with light refreshment; if anyone needs overnight hospitality, let Joseph Mills know. Advance registration is requested or contact Joseph & Linda Mills at

November 3, Ann Arbor Friends Meeting will have a “Salt and Light” Program.October 17 program: "Basics of Quakerism" based on the book The Quaker Way.

November 9: Cathi Deyo will give an informal "chat" about her recent trip to Israel and Palestine at the Institute for Global Education, 7:00 p.m. IGE is on Wealthy St. next to the Wealthy Theater.

November 10: "God is Not One" author presentation at Fountain St. Church, 7:00 p.m.

November 16: "Dropped Stitches" sewing circle 7:00 p.m.

November 21: Program after worship on "Dealing with problems in the workplace," facilitated by Bev Holaday & Ron IrvineNovember 12th: The Book Reading Group will meet at 7:00 at Scott Giese's. We will read the rest of Seeking Truth Together: Enabling the Poor and Saving the Planet in the Manner of Friends. The Giese’s invite anyone who would like to come early to share supper with them.

November 21: Carolyn Diem, beloved member of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting, died Tuesday, October 26, at the age of 89 after a long illness. There will be a memorial meeting for her on Sunday at 3:00 pm in the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting (1420 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103). A reception will follow. All are warmly invited to attend.

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