Clerk: oversee the business matters & meetings for worship with attention to business
Deb Wickering
Assistant Clerk: Wayne Norlin
Recording clerk: writes minutes & annual report, maintains blog & website
Amy Ranger
Treasurer: keeps track of budget, disperses funds, reports on budget monthly, quarterly & annually
Kim Ranger
Assistant: Judi Buchman
Advancement (communication & outreach in general):
Program: sets the adult educational programs (usually 3rd Sunday, following worship), laid down for 2012-13. Programs now are scheduled as needed, based on the interests and needs of the community.
Religious Education (First Day School): laid down for 2012-13
LEYM Representative to Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC): Jana Norlin
Aquinas College Contacts: Deb Wickering
Representatives to Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting: Scot Miller and Patricia Pennell
Representatives to LEYM: Jana Norlin, Mike Holaday, Emma Seif
Clerk: oversee the business matters & meetings for worship with attention to business
Deb Wickering
Assistant Clerk: Wayne Norlin
Recording clerk: writes minutes & annual report, maintains blog & website
Amy Ranger
Treasurer: keeps track of budget, disperses funds, reports on budget monthly, quarterly & annually
Kim Ranger
Assistant: Judi Buchman
Advancement (communication & outreach in general):
- schedules & trains greeters
- maintains guest book & sends cards to visitors
- maintains Directory of Attenders & Members
- publishes announcements, newsletter& business cards
- maintains nametags
- oversees library; purchases library books, pamphlets, & subscription to Friends Journal
- organizes annual program on the basics of Quakerism; 3rd Sunday in October
- organizes & distributes the Handbook
- organizes "get to know each other" dinners
- members: Mike Holaday (convener), Betty Ford, Bob & Liz Webber, Kim Ranger, Wayne Norlin (Ron Irvine–Facebook)
- Newsletter: Mike Holaday
- No convener at this time. Finance is run as a Meeting of the whole.
- No convener at this time. M&N is run as a Meeting of the whole, together with Advancement
- Provide guidance on drawing meeting together and foster a collective sense of Worship
- Foster growth of inidiviuals in Ministry
- Support diverse religious expression
- Provide support for individuals in times of distress
- Help members and attenders resolve differences
- Establish Clearness Committees for discernment by individuals in various life decisions
- Provide guidance in rites of passage such as births, deaths, and membership in our Meeting
- In February, convener calls for other members
- Convenes in March to begin process of querying each attender about committee preference
- Committee member listing should be on the May Business Meeting agenda; listing due to LEYM May 30.
- liaises with IGE (Institute for Global Education)
Program: sets the adult educational programs (usually 3rd Sunday, following worship), laid down for 2012-13. Programs now are scheduled as needed, based on the interests and needs of the community.
Religious Education (First Day School): laid down for 2012-13
- oversees curriculum for children & youth
- schedules teachers/leaders
LEYM Representative to Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC): Jana Norlin
Aquinas College Contacts: Deb Wickering
Representatives to Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting: Scot Miller and Patricia Pennell
Representatives to LEYM: Jana Norlin, Mike Holaday, Emma Seif
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