Monday, September 1, 2014

September 2014 Newsletter

The Grand Rapids Friends Monthly Meeting meets for worship at the Browne Center, on the campus of Aquinas College, 2001 Robinson Rd. SE, Grand Rapids,
At 10:30 a.m. on First Days (Sundays). Following Meeting for Worship each month:
1st First Day: Potluck!
2nd First Day: Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
3rd First Day: Program
4th First Day: Singing; Advancement and Ministry & Nurture Committees meet at 9:00 a.m.

Local / Regional Friends Meetings

Holland Friends See their site or contactLarry Dickie at 269-857-4694.
Fremont Worship Group ContactTheresa Lindsay.

Manitou Worship Group Contact Penny Herd at 231-352-4470.

Pine River MM Contact Don Nagler.

Kalamazoo Friends MM Contact Jill Terwilliger at 269-385-1298, or see the meeting’s website.

Red Cedar MM Contact Carolyn LeJuste at 517-525-1827.

September Greeters (subject to change)
9/7: Holadays
9/14: Marston / Maluchnik
9/21: Akkerhuis / Buchman
9/28: Webbers
October Greeters (subject to change)
10/5: Holadays
10/12: Arcila / Ranger
10/19: Marston / Maluchnik
10/26: Akkerhuis / Buchman

It is time for new greeters to become involved in the life of the Meeting! If you feel led to share in this important contribution to the life of the meeting, please contact one of our clerks

Reminder: Sunday Sept. 14 is Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. On the Agenda: Recap of the Spiritual Journeys workshop with Merry Stanford, Treasurer's Report, Fremont WG "30 Days of Peace."

Because Friends believe there is that of God in all people, we strive for a world of freedom, justice, and equality for everyone. … It is important that Friends speak truth to those in power. We recognize that, in our world, power in government and private sectors lies disproportionately with those of economic means. Speaking out … may be difficult, even dangerous, yet by doing so we may encourage others to work for justice.
Iowa YM Cons, Book of Discipline, 1974.

We must literally not take too much thought for the morrow but throw ourselves whole-heartedly into the present. That is the beauty of the way of love; it cannot be planned and its end cannot be foretold. … In your zeal for the cause, are you tempted to confuse self-righteousness with the righteousness of God?
Wolfe Mendl, Prophets and Reconcilers
London YM, pp. 99-102.

Our first allegiance is to the Holy Spirit. In general, Friends support the laws of the State; but if those laws directly violate our religious convictions, we may be led to oppose them. When contemplating civil disobedience or unpopular personal testimony, do we carefully consider the spiritual basis for our actions and honestly face the consequences?

What conflicts do we perceive between the laws of the State and our consciences? How do we resolve those conflicts in our lives? In what ways do we assume responsibility for the government of our community, state, nation, and world? What role might we as Friends play in facilitating essential governmental action?

How do we order our lives so that we seek and become open to Divine leadings in framing our attitudes and actions? Do we really respect and help those we seek to serve? How do we maintain our integrity when we find ourselves in a position of power? How do we respond when we ourselves feel powerless?

From Advices & Queries, for Use by Individual Friends, Meetings, and Worship Groups (Lake Erie Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends: Ann Arbor, 2012). Find the PDF online or in printed form in the GRFMM library at the Browne Center.

On the Calendar
  • September 13, (Saturday), "Spiritual Journeys" workshop with Merry Stanford at the Browne Center, 9AM-6PM. Bring Your Own lunch and snacks.
  • September 14, (Sunday), following worship, Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.
  • September 21, (Sunday) program on Quaker Cloud cancelled. We will try to hold this in October or November.
  • October 6, (Monday) NPR's Scott Simon (who is also a Quaker) will be speaking at GVSU on "Professional Journalism in a DIY Age." Likely to be crowded but open to the public. Downtown campus, Eberhard Center, 7:00 PM.
  • November 3, (Monday) Civil Discourse Symposiumat GVSU. Pre-registration required (now!). Looks very interesting. 

News and Notes
We now have a space in the Quaker Cloud. It has not been populated with many documents yet, but as time goes on we think this will be a very useful tool for us. 

The Fremont Worship Group is holding an event titled "30 Days of Peace." For more information, see these FaceBook pages: Newaygo County People for Peace and 30 Days of Peace 2014 Kick-off Celebration.

Amy Ranger will be having spinal surgery on September 10 at Mercy Health Center / St Mary's Hauenstein Neurological Unit. Contact Kim Ranger regarding visitors and post-surgical assistance at home. The recovery period is expected to be 3-5 months, including physical therapy.

Several jobs are available at FGC. Descriptions and more information available at the Lake Erie Yearly Meeting site

Copyright © 2014 Grand Rapids Friends Meeting, Monthly Newsletter, All rights reserved.
Text and composition by Amy Ranger. 

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