Friday, January 10, 2014

January 2014 Newsletter


All you need say is “Yes” if you mean yes, “No” if you mean no; anything more than this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37, Jerusalem Bible. There is no safe dallying with the Truth. Isaac Penington, Letter 47, 1650.

How does Truth prosper in our community? Do we strive to maintain the integrity of our inner and outer lives in our spiritual journeys, our work, and our family responsibilities? Do we seek the Truth and tell it with compassion?

Are we honest and truthful in all that we say and do? Are we mindful in making promises and punctual in keeping them? Do we maintain strict integrity in business transactions and in our dealings with individuals and organizations? Do we use money and information entrusted to us with discretion and responsibility?

Are we honest with ourselves? What unpalatable truths might we be evading? Do we become unduly discouraged when facing our shortcomings? Do we seek the assurance and strength of Divine love through prayer and corporate worship?

Taking oaths implies a double standard of truth; in choosing to affirm instead of swearing, are we aware of the claim of integrity that we are making?

Our responsibilities to God, our neighbors, and all of life may lead us to take unpopular stands; if pressure is brought on us to lower our standard of integrity, are we prepared to resist it? Do we act on our principles even when this entails difficult consequences?

From Advices & Queries, for Use by Individual Friends, Meetings, and Worship Groups (Lake Erie Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends: Ann Arbor, 2012). Find the whole document online at, or in printed form in the GRFMM library at the Browne Center.

January-February Greeters (subject to change)
o   January 5:             Walt Marston
o   January 12:          Rangers
o   January 19:          Robert Maluchnik
o   January 26:          Gerard and Judi
o   February 2:         Holadays
o   February 9:         Rangers
o   February 16:      Walt Marston
o   February 23:      Gerard and Judi

We always welcome new greeters! If you feel led to share in this important contribution to the life of the meeting, please let Mike Holaday know (616-975-4192,

On the Calendar
  • January 15: Informational meeting for those interested in joining a winter discussion group on Marshall Rosenberg's Non-Violent Communication: A Language for Life. Would you like to handle difficult or negative situations and get positive results with much less stress? Become more aware of others' underlying desires and needs and coordinate them with your own? Become a more effective and compassionate parent, sister, brother, spouse, friend and coworker? Find out more on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014, from 7:00-7:45 p.m., at the Institute for Global Education, 1118 Wealthy St. SE, GR, 49506, (phone 616-454-1642). Or contact Mary McLeod at
  • January 16: Following Meeting for Worship there will be a program/discussion focusing on an article by Thomas Jeavons that appeared in the December 2013 Friends Journal entitled “Sharing Our Faith with the Nones.” Judi Buchman has copies of the article if you’d like to read it.

News and Notes
  • Friend Judi Buchman offers this spiritual reflection: A short piece in the June/July 2013 issue of the Friends Journal, "Reclaiming Our Divine Birthright," by Patricia Barber, spoke to me. Patricia reads these words from John Wilhelm Rowntree each day:

"Life from the Center is a life of unhurried peace and power. It is simple. It is serene. It is amazing. It is triumphant. It is radiant. It takes no time, but it occupies all our time, and makes our life programs new and overcoming. We need not get frantic. (God) is at the helm; And when our little day is done, we lie down quietly in peace, for all is well."

“And it is!” Patricia adds.

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