Our children are given to us for a time to cherish, to protect, to nurture, and then to salute as they go their separate ways. They too have the Light of God within, and a family should be a learning community in which children not only learn skills and values from parents, but in which adults learn new ways of experiencing things and seeing things through young eyes.
Elizabeth Watson, 1980, in Britain YM, QF&P, 22.63.
Seek the full development of God’s gifts, which is true education. Remember that the Meeting as a whole shares a responsibility to cherish every child in its care. Realize that education should continue throughout life, and that all should share its opportunities and privileges. Make time for regular personal prayer and worship, and for reading the Bible, Friends’ literature, Faith & Practice, Advices & Queries, and other sources of spiritual value. Seek truth together in shared worship and discussion. Teach by being teachable.
Does the Meeting give the children loving care and promote their spiritual life through religious education and other activities? Do we share our deepest beliefs and values with one another and with our children, while leaving them free to develop as the Spirit may lead them? Do we encourage in children a sense of hopefulness, imagination, and confidence? Do we honor the needs of children to have quiet times and solitude?
How do we encourage our children’s participation in the Meeting’s work? How do we cultivate their desire for service to others? Do we foster their enjoyment of plants, animals, and the beauty of nature? How do we educate our members and attenders about the Bible (especially the teachings of Jesus), other spiritual literature, and the history, principles, and practices of Friends?
How do we show our concern for the improvement of education in our community and the world? Are we informed and active contributors to the public education system? Do we give proper consideration to supporting Friends’ schools? Are we concerned that all children receive a sound education in a nurturing and respectful environment?
A note on the queries. Lake Erie Yearly Meeting adopted these advices and queries at its annual sessions in July 2012, after four years’ development and consideration. They are organized by topics, 16 in all, each with an introductory quotation or two. We provide a new topic each month. Next month’s topic will be social justice.
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