Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Announcements

  • Contribute to the vitality of the Meeting by serving on the Nominating Committee. This committee identifies members and attenders who will serve on the Meeting’s various standing committees for the coming year. Convener Kim Ranger invites you to contact her ( to help with this important task, which must be completed by the end of May.
  • Listen and learn about Quakerism on your computer or iPod. The Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham, UK, has sponsored a series of talks called “A Very Short Introduction to Quakerism” which are available free for you to listen to on your computer or iPod. The speaker was Ben Pink Dandelion, Woodbrooke’s Tutor in Postgraduate Quaker Studies. The series consists of seven 40-minute talks, each followed by a 20-minute Q&A, including “Who are the Quakers?”, “The History of Quakerism,” “Quaker Worship and Witness,” “What Quakers Believe,” “Quakers, Theology and Language,” “Quakers and Ecumenism,” and “The Future of Quakerism.” Go to
  • Learn more about Being Salt and Light, the theme of the World Conference of Friends 2012, coming April 17-25 in Nakuru, Kenya. One thousand Friends will gather to celebrate Friends living the kingdom of God in a broken world. Delegates will come from around the world (many need support; you can help with a donation), as will many “open place” attendees—including you, if you’re interested! Full details are at
  • Broaden horizons at the Interfaith Speaker’s Series on Wednesdays, from 5:45-7:30 p.m. This series, part of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute’s ongoing 2012 Year of Interfaith Understanding, is held at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 1025 3 Mile Rd., NE, Grand Rapids. Dinner is served at 5:45; the program begins at 6:30. Childcare is available. The cost—including dinner!—is free, but please RSVP to Mike Fedewa Upcoming presentations include:

Mar. 7: Baha’i (Michael Hampton)

Mar. 21: Islam (Elaine Wahab)

Mar. 28: Latter Day Saints (Garth Aarmodt)

Apr. 18: Christian Orthodox (Fr. Nick Marcus)

  • Save your canceled stamps and donate them to Right Sharing of World Resources, a Quaker program that supports grassroots projects for economic development in poor countries. It’s simple. Please go to and click on Donors, Stamps Program for details.

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