Feb. 24-25:
GPQM winter gathering, hosted by GRFMM. Georgetown United Methodist Church, Jenison.
Join us in hosting the Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Mid-winter Gathering:
As the host Meeting for the GPQM Mid-winter Gathering Feb. 24-25, we’ll need volunteers to host visiting Friends, work with young people, prepare refreshments, etc. Please let Mike Holaday (mikeholaday@att.net, 616-340-5406) know if you’d like to help in any capacity.
Friday, Feb. 24
- 6:00 p.m. Registration
- 7:00 p.m. Dr. Phillip Baisley, Earlham School of Religion, “Vitality in the Small Meeting/Church”
- Overnight Adult-supervised social gathering for teens
- 9:00 a.m. Continental breakfast
- 9:30 a.m. Worship
- 11:00 a.m. Laura Norlin, Atlanta (Ga.) MM: Our plenary speaker, Laura Norlin, grew up in the Grand Rapids MM and has a lifelong leading to nurture the Light, especially in young people.
- 12 noon Lunch and discussion: Soup, sandwiches and beverages will be available. We will explore the themes of our speakers’ topics.
- 1:30 p.m. Dr. Phillip Baisley: “Getting from Here to There: A Visioning Workshop”
- 3:00 p.m. Worship
- 4:00 p.m. Closing and farewell
News and Notes
Broaden horizons at the Interfaith Speaker’s Series on Wednesdays, from 5:45-7:30 p.m. This series, part of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute’s ongoing 2012 Year of Interfaith Understanding, is held at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 1025 3 Mile Rd., NE, Grand Rapids. Dinner is served at 5:45; the program begins at 6:30. Childcare is available. The cost—including dinner!—is free, but please RSVP to Mike Fedewa mfedewa@sbcglobal.net. Upcoming presentations include:
- Feb. 29: Judaism (Shel Kopperl)
- Mar. 7: Baha’i (Michael Hampton)
- Mar. 21: Islam (Elaine Wahab)
- Mar. 28: Latter Day Saints (Garth Aarmodt)
- Apr. 18: Christian Orthodox (Fr. Nick Marcus)
You can help guide the work of the FGC by participating in an online survey. The subject is, “What is most valuable and necessary for our Quaker meetings to be spiritually vital and purposeful?” The survey will take 10-15 minutes. Find it at https://www.surveymonkey.com/FGCFutureSurvey.
Learn more about Being Salt and Light, the theme of the World Conference of Friends 2012, coming April 17-25 in Nakuru, Kenya. One thousand Friends will gather to celebrate Friends living the kingdom of God in a broken world. Delegates will come from around the world (many need support; you can help with a donation), as will many “open place” attendees—including you, if you’re interested! Full details are at www.saltandlight2012.org.
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