Announcements: If you have an announcement that you want put in the January Newsletter, please send Betty an email.
No book group this month. The group will meet January 14th at Mark Post’s to discuss 2 Pendle Hill pamphlets: Living From the Center and Who Do You Say I Am?
December 5: no potluck
December 7: Sewing Circle at Roberta Rossi's.
December 10: Carol singing, 7:00 p.m. at Betty Ford’s--bring your instruments, voices, and cookies. Betty will provide hot chocolate, coffee and tea. Please email if you need directions.
December 12: Noon--potluck at the Pliml's. Sharing by First Day School and then carol singing. As usual there will be a shuttle service to the house--please park at the Proven Trails lot. Email if you need directions.
December 12: Holland Friends Meeting; 10:30 Meeting for Worship at the Western Theological Seminary, 101 E. 13th St. Information:
December 19: Following Meeting for Worship and before fellowship the First Day School will tell the story of the birth of Christ in word and song. 11:45 Fellowship with coffee, tea, punch and cookies (bring cookies to share).
December 26: 11:45-- a time for fellowship followed by a reflection of and response to LEYM’s 2010 Annual Query on the Use of Queries. Friends traditionally have used queries to deepen spiritual lives, confront difficult questions, and encourage corporate and individual self examination.
- How does your monthly meeting use queries?
- How do you as an individual use queries?
- Do the proposed LEYM Advices and Queries support these uses? How are they useful? How are they not?
- How can they be improved upon?
- Has one or more of these proposed LEYM Advices and Queries profoundly affected you or your meeting?
January 29: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Winter Gathering
Brian Edmiston, a long-time Friend and educator from Ohio will be leading us in exploration of intergenerational worship and ways to better integrate adults and children in the life our of Meetings. The day will include opportunities for young Friends to participate and contribute, so children are not only welcome, but needed! (Childcare will be provided as well, as we expect the children will also want some free play time with each other.)
Please plan to attend and visit the new meetinghouse (Red Cedar, Lansing).
Georgetown United Methodist Church in Jenison is hosting the Interfaith Dialogue group on January 9th and 23rd. Presentations by representatives of Islamic and Judaic faith communities will present on the 9th. Representatives of Hindu and Buddhist faith communities will present on the 23rd. The time will be 6-8 pm for both programs. Also, Scot Miller will be facilitating discussion on "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" on Wednesday evening, January 19.
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