Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Announcements

Greeters: If you are interested in being a greeter, please give Betty Ford or Mike Holaday your name and Betty will contact you every two or three months to see if you are available.

Announcements: If you have an announcement that you want put in the January Newsletter, please send Betty an email.

No book group this month. The group will meet January 14th at Mark Post’s to discuss 2 Pendle Hill pamphlets: Living From the Center and Who Do You Say I Am?

December 5: no potluck

December 7: Sewing Circle at Roberta Rossi's.

December 10: Carol singing, 7:00 p.m. at Betty Ford’s--bring your instruments, voices, and cookies. Betty will provide hot chocolate, coffee and tea. Please email if you need directions.

December 12: Noon--potluck at the Pliml's. Sharing by First Day School and then carol singing. As usual there will be a shuttle service to the house--please park at the Proven Trails lot. Email if you need directions.

December 12: Holland Friends Meeting; 10:30 Meeting for Worship at the Western Theological Seminary, 101 E. 13th St. Information:

December 19: Following Meeting for Worship and before fellowship the First Day School will tell the story of the birth of Christ in word and song. 11:45 Fellowship with coffee, tea, punch and cookies (bring cookies to share).

December 26: 11:45-- a time for fellowship followed by a reflection of and response to LEYM’s 2010 Annual Query on the Use of Queries. Friends traditionally have used queries to deepen spiritual lives, confront difficult questions, and encourage corporate and individual self examination.
  • How does your monthly meeting use queries?
  • How do you as an individual use queries?
  • Do the proposed LEYM Advices and Queries support these uses? How are they useful? How are they not?
  • How can they be improved upon?
  • Has one or more of these proposed LEYM Advices and Queries profoundly affected you or your meeting?
This year LEYM is preparing a set of Queries for our Yearly Meeting membership to use. This year the proposed Queries are intended to help them while they are in the process of preparing the LEYM’s Queries. They have asked us to respond as a group; any individual who wishes to respond separately may also do so.

January 29: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Winter Gathering
Brian Edmiston, a long-time Friend and educator from Ohio will be leading us in exploration of intergenerational worship and ways to better integrate adults and children in the life our of Meetings. The day will include opportunities for young Friends to participate and contribute, so children are not only welcome, but needed! (Childcare will be provided as well, as we expect the children will also want some free play time with each other.)

Please plan to attend and visit the new meetinghouse (Red Cedar, Lansing).

Georgetown United Methodist Church in Jenison is hosting the Interfaith Dialogue group on January 9th and 23rd. Presentations by representatives of Islamic and Judaic faith communities will present on the 9th. Representatives of Hindu and Buddhist faith communities will present on the 23rd. The time will be 6-8 pm for both programs. Also, Scot Miller will be facilitating discussion on "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" on Wednesday evening, January 19.

December Query

  • Do we each take an active part in the life of our Meeting?
  • How do we recognize the varied skills and spiritual gifts of our members and attenders? How do we nurture their use and growth?
  • In what ways are we bringing together members and attenders, young and old, in love and community?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November Announcements

Special Announcement: If you're a member or attender of the Grand Rapids Friends Meeting and you enjoy being a greeter occasionally, or would like to become a greeter, please email Mike Holaday at The Advancement Committee will create a rotating list of greeters for the next few months. We'll let you know when you'll be needed. Of course if you have a conflict, you'll be able to trade with someone else on the list.

November 22: Interfaith Thanksgiving, 7:00 p.m. at Temple Immanuel.

November 29: International Day of Solidarity with Palestine (google "Olives for Hope" for more info.)

Service Project: We will be doing a project for one of the Homeless Shelters. We need shoeboxes and items such as toothbrushes, washcloths, deodorant, chapstick, small Kleenex packs, lotion, hats, gloves, socks, t-shirts, handkerchiefs, hand warmers, cards & travel games, stamps, books, restaurant gift certificates. Bring items to Meeting on Nov. 28 or Dec. 5.

November 1: We will welcome Laura Arcila Villa and Mark Hepper as members at the potluck following worship.

November 1: “Being Salt and Light: Friends living the Kingdom of God in a broken world.” Kalamazoo Friends Meeting (508 Denner St.) is hosting this event for Friends World Committee for Consultation on Monday evening, 11/1/2010. Anne Bennett of Britain Yearly Meeting will be speaking on a theme of living our faith in times of brokenness. The event starts at 6:30 pm with light refreshment; if anyone needs overnight hospitality, let Joseph Mills know. Advance registration is requested or contact Joseph & Linda Mills at

November 3, Ann Arbor Friends Meeting will have a “Salt and Light” Program.October 17 program: "Basics of Quakerism" based on the book The Quaker Way.

November 9: Cathi Deyo will give an informal "chat" about her recent trip to Israel and Palestine at the Institute for Global Education, 7:00 p.m. IGE is on Wealthy St. next to the Wealthy Theater.

November 10: "God is Not One" author presentation at Fountain St. Church, 7:00 p.m.

November 16: "Dropped Stitches" sewing circle 7:00 p.m.

November 21: Program after worship on "Dealing with problems in the workplace," facilitated by Bev Holaday & Ron IrvineNovember 12th: The Book Reading Group will meet at 7:00 at Scott Giese's. We will read the rest of Seeking Truth Together: Enabling the Poor and Saving the Planet in the Manner of Friends. The Giese’s invite anyone who would like to come early to share supper with them.

November 21: Carolyn Diem, beloved member of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting, died Tuesday, October 26, at the age of 89 after a long illness. There will be a memorial meeting for her on Sunday at 3:00 pm in the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting (1420 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103). A reception will follow. All are warmly invited to attend.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Query

  • What efforts are made to help all Friends feel valued by the Meeting, and confident that their concerns will be heard?
  • How is the meaning of Meeting for Worship communicated to the children and newcomers among you?
  • What do you think children can get out of Meeting for Worship?
  • What ministries and gifts can your children contribute to the life of the Meeting?

Monday, October 25, 2010

October Announcements

October 28: Ann Wright will be in Muskegon this Thursday at Unity church. Follow signs from I 96 & US 31 to the Lake Ferry on Laketon Ave. She is a retired Colonel of the US Army and will be speaking on the Middle East and our foreign policy. She also participated in the Flotilla off the coast of Israel.

October 30: There will also be a non-violent training by the Michigan Peace Team (Jasiu Milanowski will facilitate) on Saturday in Muskegon. Participants are needed; contact Gloria Switzer at

October 31: Laura Arcila Villa and Betty Ford will share information they learned while attending a program on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

November 1: “Being Salt and Light: Friends living the Kingdom of God in a broken world.” Kalamazoo Friends Meeting (508 Denner St.) is hosting this event for Friends World Committee for Consultation on Monday evening, 11/1/2010. Anne Bennett of Britain Yearly Meeting will be speaking on a theme of living our faith in times of brokenness. The event starts at 6:30 pm with light refreshment; if anyone needs overnight hospitality, let Joseph Mills know. Advance registration is requested or contact Joseph & Linda Mills at

November 3, Ann Arbor Friends Meeting will have a “Salt and Light” Program.October 17 program: "Basics of Quakerism" based on the book The Quaker Way.

November 1: We will welcome Laura Arcila Villa and Mark Hepper as members at the potluck following worship.

October 15: The Book Reading Group will meet on the 3rd Friday of October at 7:00 at the Scott Giese's. We are reading Seeking Truth
Together: Enabling the Poor and Saving the Planet in the Manner of Friends. We will read the first half of the book for the October meeting.

October 22: Steven Donahoe from Washington, D.C. will be in Fremont Friday to speak about national legislation priorities. He will be at 8885 W. 32nd St. for a potluck luncheon at 11:30 a.m. He will also be present at the IGE on Wealthy St. in Grand Rapids about 3:30.

October 23: The First Day School committee announces a potluck-picnic for Saturday noon in Johnson Park (at the log cabin) in Grand Rapids (corner of Wilson and Butterworth). If you’d like some exercise first, meet at the trailhead for Kent Trails (go past John Ball Park and turn left into the entry parking lot for the trail. There is plenty of parking, a rest room and shelter.) For more info, please contact Judi Buchman or Mark Post.

October 24: "Tearing Down the Walls: Christian & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" on Saturday, 7-9 p.m. at Plymouth Congregational UCC Church, 4010 Kalamazoo SE.

“God in America,” a three-part series that “examines the potent and complex interaction between religion and democracy, the origins of the American concept of religious liberty, and the controversial evolution of that ideal in the nation's courts and political arena,” will air on PBS Monday through Wednesday, Oct. 11-13. The series is sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trust, the Fetzer Foundation and others, and features documentary footage, historical dramatization, and interviews with religious historians.

Monday, October 4, 2010

October Query

  • Do we regard our time, talents, energy, money, material possessions and other resources as gifts from God to be held in trust and shared according to the light we are given?
  • How do we express this conviction?
  • What are we doing as individuals and as a Meeting to use and thereby perfect our gifts?
  • How do we encourage others to use theirs?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

August Queries & Announcements

  • Are we charitable with each other? How careful are we of the reputation of others?
  • Do we avoid hurtful criticism and gossip?
  • Do we practice the art of listening to one another, even beyond words?
  • How well are we able to love each other unconditionally?
  • Are we sensitive to each other's personal needs and difficulties and do we assist in useful ways?
August 8: The Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting for Worship will take place on August 8th in Peace Park in Battle Creek, 11:00. Noon: picnic potluck.
Directions: Quaker Park is on Fremont and Groveland Streets, three blocks north of the YMCA. Google map.

August 13: Friends Book Group will meet Friday at 7:00 Friday at the home of Betty Ford.

August 16: Noon Meeting for Business; Financial Committee and Program Committee will report.

August 22 & 29: After worship, Fellowship followed by singing from Worship in Song.

September 18th: U.N. International Day of Peace Observance will happen on Saturday from 10:00 until 6:00. There will be a Peace Festival during the Eastown Fair. On Sunday, September 19th, there will be an Interfaith Peace Service in the Dominican Chapel on the Marywood Campus. This year's question is, "Tell us how your religious tradition reaches out to others to achieve World Peace."

Friday, June 25, 2010

Announcements & newsletter

Mike Holaday,, has volunteered to do announcements & help with the newsletter. Please email him with information for the announcements.

Written/emailed announcements avoid lengthy spoken announcements at the close of Meeting for Worship and aid in memory.

July/August newsletter: please email information to Betty Ford a.s.a.p.

Monday, June 14, 2010

June 13 Announcements

  • Please give back to the Meeting by signing up for child care during July & August--contact Betty Ford. There is no curriculum during the summer. Also, we need a greeter for August 15--contact Kim Ranger.
  • Peace & Social Action Committee will meet Sunday June 20 following Meeting for Worship in the Browne Center. All are welcome, especially to help plan the fundraiser below.
  • There will be a fundraiser for Cathi Deyo's trip to Palestine to harvest olives this fall. The fundraiser will be a dinner at East Congregational United Church of Christ, 1005 Giddings SE, July 27th at 6:00 p.m. Set-up volunteers are needed.
  • August 8 is the LEYM worship at Quaker Park in Battle Creek.
  • The business meeting will be delayed until August 15 to accomodate the Aug 8 worship.
  • There are still shares in Sandhill CSA: contact Scot Miller or Jenn Seif.

Friday, June 4, 2010

June Query & Announcements

  • Are our Meetings for Business held in the spirit of a Meeting for Worship in which we seek divine guidance for our actions in love and mutual forbearance?
  • How well do our Meetings for Business lead to a corporate search for and revelation of God's truth?
  • As difficult problems arise, are we careful to meet them in a spirit of love and humility with minds open for creative solutions?
  • Do we avoid pressure of time, neither unnecessarily prolonging or unduly curtailing full discussion?
  • Do we recognize that the search for unity may require us to accept with good grace a decision of the Meeting with which we are not entirely in agreement?
  • Are younger Friends, new members, and attenders given appropriate responsibility in the Meeting?

  • June 3 The Sewing Group will meet at Roberta’s home on Thursday, June 3rd at 7:00
  • June 5th Paul Emery will be performing this Saturday at 6:45 at the Outer Fringe (next to the Federal Building & Swing) at the GR Art Festival. Randall Gornowich will have his photos on display thoughout the event as well.
  • June 6 9:00 Advancement Committee at Browne Center
  • June 6th: Bring your calendars to Meeting to sign up to be a Greeter and/or for child care (no First Day School formal lessons) in July or August
  • June 6th Open house to celebrate Katie Pliml’s graduation from High School from 2:00 until 6:00 at the Pliml’s.
  • June 11 Friends Book Group will continue to discuss Ram Doss and his philosophy at 7:00 at the home of Mark Post.
  • June 17 The Sewing Group will meet Thursday, June 17th at 7:00.
The State of the Meeting Report (Needed: Committee Reports sent to and the Statistics Report (Needed: Conveners of Committees sent to Betty are due by the end of June.

During the summer months we will need a volunteer each Sunday to take the children out of the Meeting for Worship for a walk or some activity. Let Betty know if you will volunteer during July and August.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May Query

  • Do we each take an active part in the life of our Meeting?
  • How do we recognize the varied skills and spiritual gifts of our members and attenders? How do we nurture their use and growth?
  • In what ways are we bringing together members and attenders, young and old, in love and community?
  • Do we visit one another in our homes and keep in touch with distant members?
  • How are strangers made to feel welcome in our midst?
  • How do we encourage attenders to share in Meeting activities and responsibilities?
  • May 14: GRFM Book Group, 7:00 p.m. at Betty Ford's.
  • May 15: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting, MI Friends Center at Friends Lake. Call for volunteers: GRFM + Holland will put on the children's program--contact Betty Ford. Also on the agenda: Friends School in Detroit, AFSC.
  • May 16 program: Transportation alternatives in GR & Bike workshop by Mark Post.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Red Cedar Friends Meeting Open House

Announcement and Invitation

In the spirit of peace and joy, Red Cedar Friends Quaker Meeting invite you to celebrate with us the opening of our new meetinghouse on Saturday, May 22, 2010 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The meetinghouse is located at 1400 Turner Street in Lansing, Michigan. Barrier-free spaces are available in the meetinghouse parking lot. The # 14 CATA bus stops nearby.

Out of town guests who need assistance with accommodations, call Nancy at (517) 372-8680.

Information about Red Cedar Friends Meeting is available at

Please call (517) 371-1047 with questions.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April Query & Announcements

Do we center our lives in the awareness of the presence of God so that all things take their rightful place?
Do we keep our lives uncluttered with things and activities and avoid comments beyond our strength and light?
Is the life of the Meeting so ordered that it helps us simplify our personal lives?
Do we order our individual lives so as to nourish our spiritual growth?

The Book Group will meet at 7:00 on April 9th at Dixie Rosendall's to watch a dvd about Ram Doss.

Sewing Circle will meet April 6th at 7:00 at Roberta Rossi's and on April 15th at 7:00 at Fran’s home.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Query & Announcements

Do we live the virtue of that life and power which takes away the occasion of all war?
Do we refrain from taking part in war as inconsistent with the spirit of Christ?
What are we doing to remove the causes of war and to bring about the conditions of peace?
Where there are hatred, division and strife, how are we instruments of reconciliation and love?
As we work for peace in the world, are we nourished by peace within ourselves?

Have you checked the priorities for FCNL? Let Mark know what you think.

Hosted dinners: please let Betty know if you are willing to host. The Host/s will prepare the meal. The dates for the dinners will be on Friday and Saturday evenings of the first two weekends in May. A sign-up sheet for guests will be at Meeting on the first Sunday in April.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

February Query & Announcements

  • How do we prepare our hearts and minds for Worship?
  • Do we meet in expectant waiting for the prompting of the Divine spirit?
  • Is there a living silence in which we are drawn together by the power of God in our minds?
  • Is this inspiration carried over into our daily living?

  • Announcements:
    • Winterfest at Michigan Friends Center on February 7 will feature the duo Gemini, Laz and San Slomovits, presenting a family concert. They are donating their talents, so this will be a benefit concert for Michigan Friends Center and a fun afternoon for families. 1:00 Snowperson building; 2:00 mulled cider & treats; 3:00 concert
    • Feb. 7 Noon: Souper Sunday Potluck: we will make a collection and enjoy any soups that might come our way as well as other Potluck items.
    • Feb. 21: Abby Geluso will do a slide show about her trip to China last summer. Our Meeting with the IGE did a Chinese Dinner Fundraiser for her.
    • Feb. 28: Fremont Worship Group will visit our Meeting. Following Meeting we will have a simple snack and then at Noon we will go to Marywood to see the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Exhibit of Paintings created after the Atom Bomb was dropped. At Noon a taped interview of Glenn Hymer who was in Nagasaki after the Bomb was dropped will be shown.
    • Midwinter Gathering, Saturday. February 27th in Detroit: The Gathering will start at the Detroit Friends Meeting House at 9:00 with Meeting for Worship and a talk about what is happening in Detroit and the Meeting House. Then we’ll have a tour of Detroit ending at Friends School. Lunch and then an opportunity to hear about how the School is doing and we will help the School with some projects. More information will follow in a later announcement.
    • Coming the first part of May our 5,6,7,8 or 9’s dinners will happen: We will need several hosts to volunteer. In March sign-up will begin. The dates for the actual dinners will be the first or second weekend in May. More details will follow.

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    January Query & Announcements

    • In what ways has the Living Presence awakened my faith and turned me around?
    • As a Meeting, how do we support each other in being faithful?
    • In what ways does our Meeting help to develop the spiritual lives of our children and all of our members and attenders?
    • Do we provide our children and young adults with a framework for active, ongoing participation in Meeting?
    Jan. 17: Program on Judaism by Diane Baum
    Jan. 21: Sewing Circle at Jenn Seif's
    Jan. 24: Program on Worship by Scot Miller: what does it mean to us; what are we getting out of it?
    Jan. 31: Meeting House of our own? (post-worship meeting); Peace & Social Action Committee will meet following worship: FCNL priorities & project for GRFM.

    Friends' Book Group is reading What God Wants by Neil Walsh.

    Scot & Jenn are offering shares in Sandhill CSA, 2010 season.