Please bring a blanket, lawn chair, or slicker with you so that when it's good weather, we can hold Meeting for Worship outdoors.
Report about Friends School in Detroit: Because of the current economic slump that we are now in, the Friends School in Detroit is in financial trouble. Explicitly for the reasons below.
1. "By design, the school has always charged less tuition than costs and made up the rest through fundraising; fundraising has failed to keep up with the growing gap.
2. A growing number of parents have become delinquent in paying their tuition obligations.
3. Enrollment has fallen each of the last two years, and structural adjustments have not been made – i.e., classes have continued with as few as eight students with a full-time teacher."
"Any funds raised over the summer would help the board to meet its salary obligations and clear current liabilities before the new budget year begins. The board would like to raise sufficient funds near term to meet at least one biweekly payroll obligation (approximately $30,000) for August. In response to this need, Lake Erie Yearly Meeting has increased its financial support for this year by $1,000, and by $2,000 for the fiscal year beginning July 1. Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting has authorized an immediate payment of $5,000. PLEASE CONSIDER WHETHER YOU MIGHT ALSO BE ABLE TO HELP BRIDGE THIS FINANCIAL GAP."
The Finance Committee is meeting on Wednesday, June 24th and we will consider making an additional contribution. If anyone wants to make an additional contribution ear-mark your check and send it to Gerard at 315 Eastern SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.
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