Wednesday, August 29, 2012

GRFM 50th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, September 8, 2012
7:00 pm until 10:30 pm
Wege Center Ballroom, Aquinas College
1607 Robinson Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506

Co-clerk Scot Miller will introduce Patricia Pennell, who has been a part of this Meeting since 1967; Fred Stella, President of The Interfaith Dialogue Association; and

Keynote Speaker: Brenda Beadenkopf, a Friend from Niles, Michigan, who will speak on Quaker involvement in the Underground Railroad in Southwest Michigan. 

Concluding will be Emma Seif, one of our Young Adult Friends. 
Light refreshments will be served. 

Melanie Farkas of Bellevue, Michigan will be the caller for 90 minutes of Folk Dancing. 

Grand Rapids Friends Meeting Worship
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Worship at the Dominican Center at Marywood
2025 Fulton Street East, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
followed by potluck at The Browne Center, Aquinas College, with lots of visiting & sharing.

Join us for either or both joyful occasions: please RSVP on Facebook (links above) or by using the Email us link on this blog.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The first step to peace is to stand still in the Light. (George Fox, 1653) I lived in the virtue of that life and power that took away the occasion of all wars. (George Fox, Journal, 1651)

Consider how our way of life relies on and benefits from violence. Friends’ peace testimony is the positive exercise of good will calling us to lend our influence to all that strengthens the growth of friendship and understanding.

How does my daily life express this effort within my family, my community, and my workplace? What are we doing to build a more peaceable world? Does our way of living rely on violence?

How do we communicate to others the basis of our peace testimony? Do we join with them in working for peace? What are we doing to encourage consideration of alternatives to military service? How do we reconcile our peace testimony with the payment of taxes that support war?

Have we considered whether the seeds of war may be nourished by the way we treasure our possessions? Have we thought about the structural violence imbedded in our economic, political, and legal systems? Is our manner of participation in these systems consistent with obedience to the living spirit?

To oppose war is not enough; how are we responding to the injustices and inequalities that often lead to violence? Are we mindful that simply refraining from using or supporting violent means may not be an adequate response to war and atrocities? Do we provide refuge and assistance, including advocacy, for spouses, children, or elderly persons who are victims of violence or neglect?

How do we support institutions and organizations such as the American Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation and Quaker Earthcare Witness that are actively engaged in peace building and the prevention of violence?

A note on the queries. Lake Erie Yearly Meeting adopted these queries at its annual sessions in July 2012, after four years’ development and consideration. They are organized by topics, 16 in all, each with an introductory quotation or two. We provide a new topic each month.

August Newsletter


    August 16: 50th Anniversary Planning Committee meets at the Holadays, 6:30 p.m.
    August 19: Fremont Friends Worship Group invite all fellow Quakers & Friends for an afternoon of sharing and fun, 1:00 p.m. throughout the afternoon. Activities led by Herbert Lindsay. Waterfront activities include kayaks, canoe, rowboat & paddleboat. Potluck at @ 2:30 p.m. Please bring something to share; lemonade & ice tea provided. At 4:00 p.m. Jana Norlin will share her reflections on the FWCC Meeting in Kenya. In case of rain, we'll meet inside. 8885 W. 32nd St. Fremont, MI. tel: 231-924-5349.
    Aug 19; Aug 26? 7 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. on WGVU-FM 88.5 and 95.3 Common Threads radio program featuring co-clerks Scot Miller and Deb Wickering on the GRFM 50th Anniversary Celebration.
    Sept 15: Peace Festival, East Town Fair.

News and Notes

    A website recommendation from Walt Marston: I was searching for info about the Wider Quaker Fellowship and ran across this site: Voices of Friends. It looks very helpful in understanding the wide variety of Quaker expressions in the world. Even mentions Holiness Friends (one yearly meeting in Indiana with relationship to Bolivia?).

    Right Sharing of World Resources, a Quaker organization that GRFMM has supported, has published its second-quarter newsletter. You can access it at the organization’s website at