Monday, January 10, 2011

January Query

  • In what ways has the Living Presence awakened my faith and turned me around?
  • As a Meeting, how do we support each other in being faithful?
  • In what ways does our Meeting help to develop the spiritual lives of our children and all of our members and attenders?
  • Do we provide our children and young adults with a framework for active, ongoing participation in Meeting?

January Announcements

  • Jan. 14: Friends' Book Group, 7:00 p.m., Mark Post's, reading the pamphlet "Living from the Center: Mindfulness, Meditation, & Centering for Friends."
  • Jan. 16: Program after worship: "Stoking the Spiritual Fire of Quakerism" -- FGC Campaign. Betty Ford & Gerard Akkerhuis.
  • Jan. 19: Scot Miller will be facilitating discussion on "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" at Georgetown United Methodist Church in Jenison
  • Jan. 20: Rabbi Philip Sigal Memorial Lecture at 7:00pm, Loosemore Auditorium at GVSU’s Grand Rapids Pew Campus "From Tolerance to Holy Envy: The Interfaith Agenda" Dr. Douglas Kindschi is the Director of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute. Parking is available in the Fulton Lot, South of Eberhard Center. This event is free and co-sponsored by the Kaufman Interfaith Institute, Grand Valley State University.
  • Jan. 22: The Ann Arbor Friends Meeting would like to invite Friends in the Quarterly Meeting to join us in celebrating our founding 75 years ago; 3pm in the Meetinghouse at 1420 Hill Street, Ann Arbor. We will launch the year of celebration with song, a play written by Peggy Daub about our history, and refreshments. For more info, see
  • Jan. 23: 6-8 p.m. Georgetown United Methodist Church in Jenison is hosting the Interfaith Dialogue group; representatives of Hindu and Buddhist faith communities will present.
  • January 29: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Winter Gathering, 9-4, Red Cedar meetinghouse, Lansing
    • Brian Edmiston, a long-time Friend and educator from Ohio will lead an exploration of intergenerational worship and ways to better integrate adults and children in the life our of Meetings. The day will include opportunities for young Friends to participate and contribute, so children are not only welcome, but needed! (Childcare will be provided as well, as we expect the children will also want some free play time with each other.)
  • Jan. 30: Peace & Social Action Committee meeting after worship. Topic: FCNL priorities & our local project.
  • February 3: Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish from Gaza will be in Grand Rapids February 3rd at Schuler Books on 28th St, 7:00 p.m. Also, March 14, Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh professor, author and activist from Beit Sahour, will be at Calvin College. And on March 21, Mark Braverman, author of Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land will be speaking in Grand Rapids; details TBD.
  • Upcoming programs:
  1. Feb. 20: Cathi Deyo's report on her trip to Palestine
  2. March 30: Deb Wickering's report on her trip to the Sinai
  3. April 17: Walt, Scot, & Judi (topic TBA)