Monday, December 5, 2011

December Announcements

On the Calendar:
  • Dec. 9: Carol singing at Betty Ford's, 7:00 p.m. Please bring a snack to share & instruments.
  • Dec. 18: Holiday gathering and potluck, after Meeting for Worship, at the Browne Center.

Ministry & Nurture:

The focus for December is strengthening our community by making contact with Friends during the week, &r eaching out to Friends we may not have seen for awhile. If you are not sure how to reach out, ask one of our clerks, Walt Marston or Scot Miller, or our convener of M&N, Mark Hepper.

News & Notes:

  • The Kaufman Interfaith Institute at GVSU encourages congregations to view & discuss the PBS series "God in America," which will air on WGVU Channel 35 on First Days from Jan. 8 to Feb. 12, 2012, from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
  • This kicks off a "Year of Interfaith Understanding" --if anyone is interested in an informal discussion group to discuss this excellent & thought-provoking series, please contact Mike Holaday, who is coordinating activities with the institute.
  • Do you have ideas for programs in 2012? Judi Buchman, Program Committee convener, would welcome them!
  • Friends School in Detroit needs help. Please consider a donation: send your check to Headmaster Ed Harris, Friends School in Detroit, 1100 Aubin St., Detroit, MI 48207-2896. For more info, please contact Alicia Harri-Turner at the school.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Announcements

On the Calendar:
Dec. 9: Carol singing at Betty Ford's, 7:00 p.m. Please bring a snack to share & instruments.

Nov. 4-5: Relationships & the Church.” Advance registration is requested. To register, or for more details:, or call 616-669-0730.

Nov. 6: Potluck. Earmarked collection for Congregational Partnership Program. Details available at

Nov. 20: Program. AFSC Jail Ministries. Speaker TBD. At the Browne Center, following Meeting for Worship. 11:45 a.m.

Ministry & Nurture:
The focus for Ministry and Nurture for November is building community. For example, when we think a fellow member is suffering, we can reach out by sharing a cup of coffee or even offering to worship in their house. It is important to understand that all of us experience community in different ways. If you are not sure how to reach out, ask one of our clerks, Walt Marston or Scott Miller, or our convener of Ministry and Nurture, Mark Hepper.

News and Notes
  • You can volunteer at Well House! There are opportunities for micro-loan partners, work parties, & tasks to tighten up Well House for the winter. Please contact Judi Buchman.
  • The Grand Rapids LGBT History film & related materials are at
  • Jenn Seif reports that a small group met at her house on Oct. 23 to begin planning for the Meeting's 50th anniversary year celebration in 2012. The group agreed to make this a homecoming celebration for all current and former members and attenders, with events planned for Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 8-9, 2012, probably at Aquinas College (not necessarily the Browne Center). Planning will need to take a back seat temporarily while the Meeting prepares to host the LEYM Quarterly in February, but there will be lots of opportunity for everyone to get involved. Please contact Jenn Seif if you're interested.
  • Special (earmarked) donations to GRFMM during November will be directed to the Congregational Partnership Program. Contact Jana Norlin, Mark Post or Mark Hepper for details.
  • We received word from Merry Standford that Verne Bechill died quietly Oct. 24. A memorial service will be planned at a later time. Merry adds, “We are all very grateful for his life, his love, and his way of being in this world. Please share the news as you are led.”
  • We received the following note of thanks from Gordon Wiersma, youth leader at Hope Church in Holland: “Dear Friends at the GR Friends Meeting, On behalf of the 8th and 9th graders in my GIFT class (Growing in Faith Together) I wanted to thank you for your welcome and hospitality. It’s lovely that you welcome us to join you for worship, and that is a meaningful experience for our youth—but to do so in the context of your warm and hospitable community makes all the difference. Blessings to all of you in your faithful service to our God. Peace, Gordon.”
  • Cathi Deyo reports “I am trying to put together a day trip to Galilee on the 30th, but I am having some issues with logistics (not having a car is a definitely a challenge!). This is a “bucket list” kinda thing so I am hoping it works out. The first week of November I will be traveling in the northern West Bank, harvesting olives with the Fair Trade Association – you know that olive oil you love so much! I hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!”

November Query

Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm!
(J.G. Whittier, “Brewing of Soma”)

  • Meeting for worship is the heart of the Religious Society of Friends. Worship is our response to the awareness of God's presence. Go regularly to meeting for worship, including those times when you feel tired, angry, or spiritually low. Bring your joys, hurts, hopes and fears, and your awareness of the needs of other people. Are you unduly troubled by distractions? Can you let them drop away so you might sink into the holy stillness in unity with your fellow worshippers?
  • Come to meeting with heart and mind prepared. How do you prepare? Are our meetings for worship held in expectant waiting for Divine guidance? Is there a living silence in which we feel drawn together by the power of God in our midst? What has helped you to find the quiet center and to hear the promptings of the Spirit?
  • Do you attend worship clear of any predetermination to speak or not to speak, and expecting that worship will be a source of strength and guidance? Do not allow a sense of unworthiness or fear of not finding the right words turn you from a true leading to speak. Are you apt to speak too often, too predictably, or too soon after someone else has spoken? Do you receive the spoken ministry of others in a tender and understanding spirit, recognizing that what may not be helpful to one listener may speak to the condition of another? Do you take the time to reach for the deep meaning in the spoken ministry of others?
  • Do you respond to the children's special needs during meeting for worship? When they are involved in separate activities, do you uphold them and those who are with them?
  • Prayer springs from a deep place in the heart. Vocal prayer, though it may be expressed in imperfect words, can draw those present into communion with God and with one another. What helps you find that inner place of prayer?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October Newsletter

On the Calendar
  • Oct 16:
  1. Program on "How I Came to Quakerism" as part of annual Basics of Quakerism (Advancement Committee).
  2. Post Program Program: Trip to Richard Schwallier's farm, 17537 40th Ave, Conklin, MI, meeting there about 2:00 p.m., to learn about habitat restoration, wind and solar power, wood heat and other earth-friendly technologies, & to glean apples. Organized by our Earth Care committee.
  • Oct. 23: Anniversary committee meeting. 5:00 p.m. at the Miller-Seifs.
  • Oct. 27: Annual Heartside Ministry Gala. 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. at Noto’s Old World Dining.
  • Nov. 20: Program on AFSC Jail Ministries at the Browne Center, following Meeting for Worship, 11:45 a.m.
News & Notes
  1. Recently many of you took part in a survey regarding meeting space. Here are the major findings from the survey.
  • In an ideal world, a slim majority of 53 percent would favor owning a meetinghouse, while 37 percent favor renting space and the rest have no opinion. Notwithstanding our preference for owning, the Browne Center is well regarded. 90 percent rate it good, very good or excellent on both the amount of space it offers and the appearance, style or atmosphere of the space. Several Friends described it as “peaceful,” “quiet,” and “homelike,” and many appreciate its central location and abundance of free parking. A much smaller majority, 58 percent, rate its community outreach possibilities as good, very good or excellent, making outreach potential its weakest aspect.
  • The Meeting is evenly divided as to whether we should be concerned about losing the Browne Center despite reassurances from Aquinas College. 47 percent say they’re not concerned, while another 47 percent say they’re either a little or definitely concerned. Similarly, there is no clear direction from the Meeting as to whether we should consider a change regardless of Aquinas’s plans: 21 percent say we should, 36 percent say we shouldn’t, and 37 percent have no opinion.
  • Next year will be not only the GRFMM’s 50th anniversary year, it will be the Year of Interfaith Understanding in the Grand Rapids community, co-sponsored by Grand Valley State University, the Grand Rapids Press and other groups. Watch for tours of sacred spaces, study groups, speakers, interfaith services and other events.

2. Special (earmarked) donations to GRFMM during October will be directed to the Grand Rapids Food Bank. Contact Jana Norlin or Mark Post for details.

Friday, September 2, 2011

September Newsletter

On the Calendar:
  • Sept. 9-11: LEYM Spiritual Formation retreat on “Healing in the Manner of Friends,” presented by Richard Lee. Weber Retreat Center, Adrian MI. More information at
  • Sept. 17: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting meeting for business. Friends School (1100 St. Aubin St., Detroit). 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. For carpooling, contact Scot Miller (269-792-9183).
  • Sept. 18: Program. Jasiu Milanowski will be the speaker. At the Browne Center, following Meeting for Worship. 11:45 a.m.
  • Sept. 30-Oct. 2: LEYM Fall Youth Retreat. Belville, Ohio. For youth 5-14, parents and others. More information at
  • Oct. 16: Program: "How I came to Quakerism" & review of the new Handbook. At the Browne Center, following Meeting for Worship. 11:45 a.m.
  • Nov. 20: Program. AFSC Jail Ministries. Speaker TBD. At the Browne Center, following Meeting for Worship. 11:45 a.m.
Other Friends Meetings in Our Area:
  • Manitou Worship Group For information, please contact Doris Loll at 231-882-7062.
  • Fremont Worship Group For information, please contact Theresa Lindsay at
  • Holland Friends Meeting
News and Notes:
  • Bring your old Handbooks to the Nov. 6 potluck & we'll have a "build your own" session with newly-revised inserts.
  • Scot Miller is interested in organizing a Quakerism discussion group and is looking for suggestions for a book or topic to center on for a first meeting, to be held in October. No details have been set yet. If you have suggestions, please pass them along to Scot.
  • We mentioned last month that a committee was appointed to survey the membership on the subject of space for our Meeting. Mike Holaday has copies of the survey form. Please take this opportunity to give guidance to the meeting on the subject of meeting space!
Committee Reports: Ministry and Nurture
The focus for September: To strengthen and foster growth in individual and collective discernment. Following Meeting for Worship on Sept. 25, before singing, the committee invites all to briefly discuss the ministry that was shared in the meeting.

Quakers on the Net: Confronting Hard Truths:
The following is excerpted with modification from “Daring to Confront the Hard Truths,” posted Aug. 20, 2011, in Comrade Kevin’s Chrestomathy (

I’m not sure what it is about religious gatherings and the greater organizations to which they belong. They seem to be compelled to sweep as much as they can under the rug. Quakers, of which I am a member, function on a curious premise. We have long fuses with people and notoriously short fuses around politics. This may be because it’s easy to argue about something that is abstract and safe. When real people with whom we have real interactions are involved, we often take the path of least resistance. But ultimately, someone’s got to step up and draw the line. People have postulated for years why this is, and I have a theory or two.

One of them is the dread fear of litigation. Bad press in any form should be avoided. This goes for government agencies, public school systems, and organized religion. It is true that we live in a society where we’d rather pay someone to help us resolve disputes with someone else than step in and do healing and reconciliation ourselves.

Trust and care is what we’re seeking. We have always been in search of these. But the larger we grow as a people, the farther that divide grows. Even in a relatively moderate sized city, we are all too busy running to very specific places on specific paths, such that the only people we really see are those with whom we work closely. And there’s this: It’s less problematic to talk about an issue when we’re certain our position will be validated by others. My father, for example, was proof positive that it is easier to argue about irrelevant topics first, in place of the greater issues that are at the real heart of the matter.

We owe it to ourselves to place the focus where it needs to be, especially if that places us in uncomfortable states. These would have us do the difficult work of looking within ourselves first. Nothing can ever really proceed if brave inward listening is not part of the greater plan. We should not obscure truth by hairsplitting or by speaking only to that which promises little to no pain or even less emotional involvement. We are not robots. We are thinking, feeling, intuitive beings. We now need to act like it.

September Query


Is there a climate of love and trust in our meeting that invites and encourages everyone to be open about individual and family lifestyles, including their satisfactions and problems? How does the meeting support families of all kinds in their attempts to improve communication, family life and the rearing of children in a context of love? How do we help the meeting create a sense of spiritual kinship among those who participate in it?

The family is changing, not disappearing. We have to broaden our understanding of it, look for the new metaphors. —Mary Catherine Bateson

Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know. —Mitch Albom

Sunday, July 31, 2011

August Query

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these if charity.
--1 Corinthians, 13:13

Are we charitable with each other? How careful are we of the reputation of others? Do we avoid hurtful criticism and gossip? Do we practice the art of listening to one another, even beyond words? How well are we able to love each other unconditionally? Are we sensitive to each others' personal needs and difficulties and do we assist in useful ways?

With thanks to the Ann Arbor Monthly Meeting.

Behold, I do not give lectures or a little charity, When I give I give myself. --Walt Whitman

August Announcements

On the Calendar:

  • August 6: (Note date & time change) Book discussion: Comparing North Pacific Faith & Practice with the Philadelphia YM Faith and Practice, 6:30 p.m., Sarah Cox's house. Contact Scot Miller for additional info.
  • August 7: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting invites you to a gathering of Friends for worship followed by a pot luck on Sunday August 7 at 11:00 a.m. at Quaker Park in Battle Creek. This annual gathering is for worship focusing on prayers for peace in memory of Hiroshima Day. Attenders are asked to bring a chair as well as dish to pass and a place setting. Quaker Park is located between Fremont Street and Groveland Street in Battle Creek.
  • August 28: 9:00 a.m., Browne Center. Advancement Committee; Ministry and Nurture Committee.
News and Notes:

  • Contact Roberta Rossi if you'd like to be included in her annual September "dig and dispersal" of flowers (purple & violet iris this year).
  • We are set to stay in the Browne Center. But a committee was appointed to survey the membership about meeting space - look for the survey in August.

Other Friends Meetings in Our Area:

  • Manitou Worship Group: For information, please contact Robert Foulkes at 231-326-3637 or Doris Loll at 231-882-7062.
  • Fremont Worship Group For information, please contact Jo Hoersten at 231-924-8095.
  • Holland Friends Meeting

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Request from Mark Hepper

Congregational Partnership Program (CPP)

An average of 600 individuals and families become homeless each month in Kent County. This is one of the most emotionally devastating events that can happen to a human being.

CPP is a faith based initiative to assist in ending homelessness. This means moving people from shelters to their own housing, making shelters a short term solution not long term as is the case currently in many situations. CPP asks for a $3500.00 donation (or best effort), two volunteers, and overall commitment from members of participating churchs. The money provides housing assistance. The client is expected to support themselves after the conclusion of the six month program.

Partnering a homeless client with a volunteer has a much higher success rate than just monetary support. The type of assistance received from the volunteer includes :

-Peer support (i.e. providing a listening ear and resource sharing)
-Transportation (i.e. doctor’s appointments, getting groceries, other appointments)
-Employment assistance (i.e. completing job applications, interviewing techniques, resume development)
-Education (i.e. help children with homework and reading to small children). GED assistance
-Household activities (i.e. home organization, time management, assisting with furniture/appliance needs)
-Having fun! Celebrating life events; holidays, birthdays, employment anniversaries.
-Other support requested by client

I (Mark Hepper) have already volunteered for the program and I am working with a young lady with four young children. I am requesting financial assistance from our meeting in the form of fund raising, special offerings, and any other ideas to raise money. I also ask for volunteers to occasionally help with some of the above listed areas for assistance.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July Announcements

On the Calendar:
  • July 10: Meeting for worship with attention to business. Begins about 11:45 a.m.
  • July 11: Annual commemoration of the victims of genocide in Srebrenica. 6:00 p.m. 6th St. Bridge Park, Grand Rapids. All are welcome.
  • July 21: Middle Eastern Dinner. Meza (appetizers) at 5:00 p.m.; dinner at 6:00 p.m. Trinity United Methodist Church, 1100 Lake Drive SE, Grand Rapids. Fundraiser dinner and silent auction for Cathi Deyo’s trip to the West Bank in September. Suggested donation is $25 for adults, $15 for youths 12 and under. RSVP 616-805-2442 or More details are available at
  • July 24: Advancement committee meets. 9:00 a.m. Ministry and nurture committee meets. 9:00 a.m.
  • July 28-31: Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Annual Meeting. Bluffton University, Bluffton Indiana. The theme is “Mindful Consumption as a Spiritual Practice.” Plenary address by Sally Weaver Summer, “On Being Called to Lesser Things.” Details available on the LEYM website,
  • July 31: Potluck after worship to give a sendoff to Judi and others who are participating in the Peace Walk to Lansing. All will be invited, after the meal, to walk approximately 7 miles with Judi as she goes on to Ada to join the main march, which will begin on Monday the 1st.
  • August 6: Gathering to discuss various Faith & Practice guidelines, 7:00-9:00, Sarah Cox's house. Contact Scot Miller for additional info.
  • August 7: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting invites you to a gathering of Friends for worship followed by a pot luck on Sunday August 7 at 11:00 a.m. at Quaker Park in Battle Creek. This annual gathering is for worship focusing on prayers for peace in memory of Hiroshima Day. Attenders are asked to bring a chair as well as dish to pass and a place setting. Quaker Park is located between Fremont Street and Groveland Street in Battle Creek.

Other Friends Meetings in Our Area:
  • Manitou Worship Group: For information, please contact Robert Foulkes at 231-326-3637 or Doris Loll at 231-882-7062.
  • Fremont Worship Group For information, please contact Jo Hoersten at 231-924-8095.
  • Holland Friends Meeting

News and Notes:
  • The Sewing Circle will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month (note the change), at 7:00 p.m. The location is still Roberta Rossi’s house. Bring sewing, or something to share. CDs are welcome!
  • LEYM is seeking nominees for 3 committees: contact Mark Post for more info.

July Queries


Life is meant to be lived from a Center, a divine Center . . . a life of unhurried peace and power. It is simple. It is serene. It takes no time, but occupies all our time. --Thomas Kelly, A Testament of Devotion.

A life centered in God will be directed toward keeping communication with God open and unencumbered. Simplicity is best achieved through a right ordering of priorities, maintaining humility of spirit, avoiding self-indulgence, resisting the accumulation of unnecessary possessions, and avoiding over-busy lives.

Simplicity, beauty, and happiness go together if they are a by-product of a concern for something more important than our selves.
--Elise Boulding, My Part in the Quaker Adventure

Do I center my life in an awareness of God's presence so that all things take their rightful place? Do I live simply and promote right sharing of the world’s bounty? Do I keep my life uncluttered with things and activities, avoiding commitments beyond my strength and light? How do I maintain simplicity, moderation, and honesty in my speech, my manner of living, and my daily work? Do I recognize when I have enough? Is the life of the Meeting so organized that it helps us to simplify our lives? 

With thanks to the Reno (Nevada) Monthly Meeting.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June Query

  • Are our Meetings for Business held in the spirit of a Meeting for Worship in which we seek divine guidance for our actions in love and mutual forbearance?
  • How well do our Meetings for Business lead to a corporate search for and revelation of God's truth?
  • As difficult problems arise, are we careful to meet them in a spirit of love and humility with minds open for creative solutions?
  • Do we avoid pressure of time, neither unnecessarily prolonging or unduly curtailing full discussion?
  • Do we recognize that the search for unity may require us to accept with good grace a decision of the Meeting with which we are not entirely in agreement?
  • Are younger Friends, new members, and attenders given appropriate responsibility in the Meeting?

June Announcements

We need volunteers for children's activities (no formal First Day School during the summer). Contact Betty Ford.

June 10: Friend Book Group watched a DVD, "Brother Sun Sister Moon" about the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 12 talk at Friends School, Detroit

1100 St. Aubin Ave., Detroit, Michigan 48207 313.259.6722,
313-259-6722 ext.13
Joe Volk, Former Executive Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation to speak for Human Rights Day of Learning and Lectureship.
Detroit, MI - On Thursday, May 12, 2011, Joe Volk, Former Executive Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, will be in Detroit to speak on “Human Rights on an International Level: Translating Protest into Policy” at Friends School in Detroit’s 4th annual Miyoko Inouye Bassett Memorial Human Rights Day of Learning and Lectureship. Joe Volk has more than three decades of experience working for peace and social justice. He played a key role in founding the Iraq Working Group and has served as a leader in the Washington Interreligious Staff Committee. He has lobbied Congress to support peaceful prevention of deadly conflict, nuclear disarmament, peace in Iraq, and many other issues.
As part of our the longstanding commitment to educating the leaders of tomorrow about human rights issues, each year an individual demonstrat­ing distinctive commitment to human rights work is selected to share his or her story. After a day spent at Friends School, the guest “teacher” will address the larger Detroit community at a public evening lecture:
A daytime presentation is available for a small number of guests who will be warmly welcomed to come in at 1:30 for a student-led tour of the school followed by Mr Volk's presentation to the middle school students and their interactions with him. Visitors are welcome by prior arrangement. Please email or call 313-259-6722 ext. 13.

An evening presentation is available for the public. A reception is planned for 6 p.m. and Joe Volk’s presentation at 7 p.m. Admission is free.
The Human Rights day is made possible by the Miyoko Inouye Basett Fund. Miyoko Inouye Bassett was an extraordinary and courageous human being who worked with characteristic gentleness for everything she believed to be right and just. Friends School in Detroit had the gift of her service as a member of the Board of Trustees. The legacy of Miyo’s messages of inclusion and dedication are sustained at Friends School through a Memorial Human Rights Lectureship & Day of Learning to honor her life and strengthen that hope. This annual event will increase community awareness of human rights issues and model an educational approach that equates the welfare of the entire world with the welfare of each of us as individuals.
Friends School in Detroit is a nationally recognized independent school offering quality education to preschool (age 3) through eighth grade. Convenient for parents working downtown, it is located in the Lafayette Park area of Detroit. The student body reflects the city’s cultural, religious, racial and economic diversity. Founded in 1965, the school has gained a reputation for its academic excellence reflected in the success of its many graduates. The students, grounded and solid in foundation, go on to premier high schools and enter top colleges and universities such as Harvard, Princeton and Amherst. Friends School is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), Independent Schools of the Central States (ISACS), and the Association of Independent Michigan Schools (AIMS).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Announcements

May 15 program: Larry Hamlet, graduate student in the Communications program at GVSU, studying race and communication, will present a program on social justice after worship on May 15.

May 21: GPQM spring gathering will take place on Saturday, May 21, from 9 am to 4 pm at the Michigan Friends Center in Chelsea. The focus of the meeting will be on the business of the Quarter. Ed Harris, the new Head of School at Friends School in Detroit, will present on the state of the school. Natalie Holbrook from the AFSC Criminal Justice Office in Ann Arbor and Max Heirich from the Inclusive Justice Program will give updates. And we are happy to have both Michigan Friends Center and the Friends Lake Cooperative represented at this meeting by Steve Daut and Richard Tucker respectively not only to report but also to reflect on how to better collaborate with Quarterly. There will also be other committee reports and business as part of the agenda.

Lunch is provided ($5 donation is accepted) and childcare is organized by Pine River Monthly Meeting.

For more information please contact: Dianne Guenin-Lelle, .

Gentle reminder and note for those who are newer to the Grand Rapids Friends Meeting: GRFM tries to be aware of the health issues regarding fragrances added to products such as hygiene care (e.g.,perfumes, colognes, deodorants, aftershaves, lotions, essential oils, shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays and gels), laundry (detergents, softeners, dryer sheets), and items like scented candles, incense, plug-in air fresheners, hanging air fresheners in cars, and patchouli. Please try to use unscented products on First Day (Sunday) and be mindful about artificial fragrances added to the products you use regularly. Those of us who have serious illnesses triggered by fragrances thank you for your consideration!