- Are we charitable with each other? How careful are we of the reputation of others?
- Do we avoid hurtful criticism and gossip?
- Do we practice the art of listening to one another, even beyond words?
- How well are we able to love each other unconditionally?
- Are we sensitive to each other's personal needs and difficulties and do we assist in useful ways?
Directions: Quaker Park is on Fremont and Groveland Streets, three blocks north of the YMCA. Google map.
August 13: Friends Book Group will meet Friday at 7:00 Friday at the home of Betty Ford.
August 16: Noon Meeting for Business; Financial Committee and Program Committee will report.
August 22 & 29: After worship, Fellowship followed by singing from Worship in Song.
September 18th: U.N. International Day of Peace Observance will happen on Saturday from 10:00 until 6:00. There will be a Peace Festival during the Eastown Fair. On Sunday, September 19th, there will be an Interfaith Peace Service in the Dominican Chapel on the Marywood Campus. This year's question is, "Tell us how your religious tradition reaches out to others to achieve World Peace."