- Do we each take an active part in the life of our Meeting?
- How do we recognize the varied skills and spiritual gifts of our members and attenders? How do we nurture their use and growth?
- In what ways are we bringing together members and attenders, young and old, in love and community?
- Do we visit one another in our homes and keep in touch with distant members?
- How are strangers made to feel welcome in our midst?
- How do we encourage attenders to share in Meeting activities and responsibilities?
- May 14: GRFM Book Group, 7:00 p.m. at Betty Ford's.
- May 15: Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting, MI Friends Center at Friends Lake. Call for volunteers: GRFM + Holland will put on the children's program--contact Betty Ford. Also on the agenda: Friends School in Detroit, AFSC.
- May 16 program: Transportation alternatives in GR & Bike workshop by Mark Post.