- What efforts are made to help all Friends feel valued by the Meeting, and confident that their concerns will be heard?
- How is the meaning of Meeting for Worship communicated to the children and newcomers among you?
- What do you think children can get out of Meeting for Worship?
- What ministries and gifts can your children contribute to the life of the Meeting?
Heartside Neighborhood Talent Show: Friday, November 13th, 8: 00 at the Wealthy Theater.
Sewing Circle: will meet Tuesday, November 6, 7pm at Roberta Rossi's home. The Sewing Circle will also meet Thursday, November 19, tentatively at Jenn Seif's home. To both Sewing Circles bring sewing, crafts, mending, or whatever.
Friends Book Group: will meet Friday, November 13th, at Roberta Rossi's. We will discuss more of our “thoughts” about the Inner Light and also discuss and appreciate Kim Ranger's article in the September Friends Journal.
Well House: will host a Post Election Neo-holiday Art & Bake Sale on November 5th, 6th and 7th.
A Benefit for Healing the Children Injured in US Conflicts: Thursday, November 5th, 7:00 at the 29th Street Hall, 3668 29th St. SE. Music, Middle Eastern Food, Silent Auction and other entertainment until 10 pm. Tickets: $30 and Students $10. 616-262-4525.
IGE's 30th Annual Meeting: 5:30-6:00 for a Spaghetti Supper provided by SandMan. 7:00 David Blakeslee will talk about Peace in Song, Art, etc. 454-1642.