Monday, March 23, 2009

GR Fair Trade City Fundraiser

Place: Wealthy Theatre, 1130 Wealthy St. SE, GR
Time: 11:30 a.m. -
Cost: $7.00 ?
Events: 12:00 Mark Handler--Tibetan singing bowl performer; 1:30 film Black Gold about the fair trade movement in Ethiopia.

There will be a variety of locally-roasted fair trade & direct-trade coffee available for sampling, along with other fair-trade crafts & activities.

For more info, contact Sujen Diveney,

Monday, March 9, 2009

David Zarembka from Kenya

For Immediate Release

Date: March 9, 2009
Contact: Betty Ford,
Phone: (616) 942-4713 or 454-1642

Sponsors: Grand Rapids Friends Meeting with the Institute for Global Education

David Zarembka from Kenya, Coordinator of the African Great Lakes Initative of the
Friends Peace Teams

On Wednesday, March 11, 2009, at 7:00, David Zarembka will be speaking about nations in the African Great Lakes Region focusing on "What the New Administration Can Do to Solve the Conflicts in East and Central Africa" He will begin with a brief analysis of United States involvement in Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The emphasis on a military solution to these conflicts is not working and will only prolong them. Alternative strategies for promoting peace and development in this potentially very rich region will be described.

David will be speaking in the back Studio of the Wealthy Theater Annex, 1110 Wealthy SE just west of the Wealthy Theater.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Greeter schedule

The greeters for first day Meetings for Worship are now posted on the GRFM Calendar ( and click on Calendar in the upper right corner or on Events Calendar on the left blue menu). We have plenty of openings for Friends to sign up: contact Kim Ranger at .

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Query for March

*Do we live the virtue of that life and power which takes away the occasion of all war?

*Do we refrain from taking part in war as inconsistent with the spirit of Christ?

*What are we doing to remove the causes of war and to bring about the conditions of Peace?

Where there are hatred, division and strife, how are we instruments of reconciliation and love?

*As we work for peace in the world, are we nourished by peace within ourselves?